Turner Technology Balancer Software
You can auto-update the software if your balancer computer has a network connection.
Go into Machine Setup and click the Update Software button, or click a link below to download a file and manually update.
*** Windows XP through Windows 11 Version ***
Click here to download the latest version of software,
New widescreen version Release 8.0.27 on 2/25/2025
Or Release 7.8.107 on 2/25/2025
For Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
ATTENTION - You must turn the balancer USB control box OFF, or unplug it from the computer before installing the software.
Run the balsetupv7.exe file to install the software and support files on your computer.
The file should be located in the Downloads folder of your computer.
This will create a C:\balancer folder that contains all the files, or replace the existing files if a balancer folder already exists.
To run on Windows XP you must have Service Pack 2 or higher.
Click here to download Service Pack 2 for Windows XP
Click here for XP Driver Installation Instructions
*** Windows 98, Millennium, 2000 Version ***
Click here to download the latest ISA/USB universal version of software, Release 6.2.16 on 3/26/2015
For Windows 98, Me, 2000
Run the balsetup.exe file to install the software and support files on your computer.
This will create a C:\balancer folder that contains all the files, or replace the existing files if a balancer folder already exists.
^^^^^^^^ New features will no longer be added to this version of the software. ^^^^^^^^
To get the latest and more advanced features, you must be running Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher with the above software.
Contact Turner Technology after updgrading to verify and set the calibration factors for your machine.
*** Industrial Version for Windows XP through Windows 11 ***
Click here to download the latest ISA/USB universal version of software, Release 7.2.37i on 2/05/2025
For Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
ATTENTION - You must turn the balancer USB control box OFF, or unplug it from the computer before installing the software.
Run the ibalsetupV7.exe file to install the software and support files on your computer.
This will create a C:\balancer folder that contains all the files, or replace the existing files if a balancer folder already exists.
To run on Windows XP you must have Service Pack 2 or higher.
Click here to download Service Pack 2 for Windows XP
Click here for XP Driver Installation Instructions